Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Sonia Sotomayer has been nominated by President Obama to be the next Supreme Court Justice, fulfilling his promise to add diversity to the court in an effort to more appropriately resemble our nation.

The Republican loons will likely come out with all sorts of incoherent rhetoric about her temperament or other issues they have imagined to be relevant but it is not only a losing argument but a dangerous tactic considering her Hispanic roots. The GOP has been bleeding Hispanic support since Obama’s rise to the public stage and it has not gotten any better under Mr. "that’s how I roll" Steele. Tread carefully you Republican strategists lest you drive away the last vestiges of Latino (oh and LatinA) support you may still have a grip on. You can’t win this one, wouldn’t it just be better to rise above, pretend you are thrilled, and make some flowery statement about the progress of Latin/Hispanic Americans? Be pragmatic for Gods sake.


Click Title to link to Politico.com for an in depth look at the nomination and its political implications.

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