Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rush is still fat...and still muttering the same crap.

You would think he could at least come up with some new lines or lift some more creative talking points from some Republican dweeb whose job is to sit in a room all day thinking up more eloquent ways to say foul things.
But no....the once very fat, then thin thanks to illiciet drug use,  fat once again talk show host isnt exactly creative enough to do such things so here is his take on Sotomayer :

"Do I want her to fail? Yeah. Do I want her to fail to get on the court? Yes. She'd be a disaster on the Court.

Do I still want to Obama to fail as President? Yeah, -- AP, you getting this?

He's gonna fail anyway, but the sooner the better here so that as little damage can be done to the country."-Rush Limbagh


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