Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Like I said....

From an article posted on Brent Wilkes is quoted as saying,

"If they just out of sheer ill-will ... try to block the nomination, that's going to have a big backlash in the Hispanic population," Wilkes warned. "And we won't have to do anything except sit back and watch them destroy themselves, because it's really going to be that bad."

Seems to me this is the MO of the GOP in general these days. Stupid choices and inexplicably suicidal moves are making them less and less relevant and more and more the party of the Palen-ites and other nut-jobs. Sadly, I think someone intelligent has put a gag over Michael Steele’s mouth this week so we may not be lucky enough to get a laugh out of his political ineptitude, but who knows, there are lots of other idiots out there ready to throw caution to the wind and put their well heeled feet in their mouths.


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