Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Good Deal for the day

As I said before, we are working on making our money work harder, especially in light of the fact that hubby is working harder to make it by working OT these days. hard to ask him to pull a 12 hour OT shift if I am not doing all I can to minimize wasteful spending eh? Hmmmm kinda resonates with the governmental side of things.
Anyhow...todays deals:

Warning, the Winn Dixie and Publix Deals switch tomorrow so go out tonight if you want them, new deals tomorrow.

Deal number One
Winn Dixie
Buy one get one Free Ballpark Hotdogs for $2.99
Used one 1$ off 2 coupon making then a mere 1$ each and picked up a coupon on a hang tag next to the hotdogs for a FREE package of Sarah Lee Whole grain Hot dog buns with purchase of 2 packs of ballpark hotdogs! And it gets better, the buns were also buy one get one free so with the coupon both were free bringing my grand total for all four items to just 2 bucks, or 12.5 cents for each hot dog and bun. Yippee.
Got two deals and threw them all in the freezer

Deal number Two
Printed out two food lion coupons for 2$ off Eddys Ice cream as publix takes competitors coupons.
Publix had Eddys on sale, buy one get one free at $4.69
Used a $2 coupon on both and got each one for 34.5 cents

Deal number Three
Post Trail Mix Crunch on sale buy one get one free at $4.39
Go HERE to print two 2$ off coupons and use one coupon for each box and you pay a wopping 19.5 cents each box.
Sobe life water on sale buy one get one free at $1.59
Go HERE (firefox link) and print up to 4 coupons for buy one get one free and those coupons cancel out the cost of the one you paid for making them completely free. You can get up to 8 free this way.

I will post more deals as I find them. There are many places you can find deals listed but the ones I will list will only be the ones I have actually sucessfully done myself. Please feel free to comments with deals you have found too:)

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