Saturday, June 6, 2009

God is not pleased

I would love to see the shocked look on these horrid peoples faces when they find out they are not gong to heaven.
Evil Evil sorts who can rejoice in this mans death in a church. A husband and a father. I have so much anger and literal hatred for the Christianists of this country. So sure they are right that they think they can ignore the very tenants they claim to believe in.
They claim to be patriotic but throw aside the laws of our great country to execute a man, or at a minimum to hold up as a good man the one who murdered Dr. Tiller.
I am not against Christianity at all, just this hate filled, fire and brimstone kind that preaches the whole vengeance and eye for and eye, crap. Just a bunch of self absorbed people who are anything but Christian.
I believe in many things the Bible teaches, but think many of these zealots have twisted the Bible in some very obscene ways to justify their own personal views and opinions. I have read story after story about the women who desperately wanted their babies but found they would live only a painful and short existence of suffering and turned to this Dr. for help to insure that their child was spared never having a happy moment, never knowing a peaceful sleep or contented sigh. I am sad for all of those parents who are reliving their losses this week while listening to people who know nothing of their heartache condemn them, and the Dr. who helped them.

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