Saturday, June 6, 2009

Feeling a little blue

Just got done reading about the children killed in the fire at the Mexican government run daycare.
So hard to understand how this happens. So many children in such poverty with no one to really look out for them. Parents in untenable situations needing to work to provide for them forced to use daycare centers that are really warehouses (literally in this case) for children. The Mexican government required all night clubs in Mexico city to ensure they had an additional exit for fire emergencies after several tragedies but they do not require the same for a daycare that care for hundreds of children?
Nothing to be done now of course other than to pray for the peace of the families that must be out of their minds with grief, but it seems to me that the Mexican government is not just terribly corrupt, but inept as well.
All the crazy Lou Dobbs folks wont like this at all, but the truth is that we are one continent and what happens there reverberates here. Canada, Mexico, the U.S. we are all one like it or not and maybe it is time to start sharing some resources as it is just a matter of time before that border blurs to a point of the ridiculous no matter what the minutemen try to do.

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